love is…?

April 4, 2022
1 min read
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"An adventure time was, if you calmed yourself to its receipt."
—Adam Haslett, Union Atlantic

Hi, friends.

The world and our hearts are still at war and it shows no signs of ceasing. Madness. Calling for artists to give language and sign and tribute to terrible times.

But art is hard. Hearts are harried. Who has time to receive the adventure of time?

These past weeks I did things like pick up a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie at a bake sale for Ukraine. Watch Questlove's spirited Summer of Soul, Taylor Swift's raw folklore studio sessions, Min Jin Lee's epic Pachinko. Play Connect 4 at a dive bar. Sip lambrusco at a pizza bar. Twirl in a dance bar. Loosen the creative impulses otherwise held taut by the demands of daily work. Till the soil for new seedlings.

With that, a little illustrated photo poem on love, life, and labor.

Thanks to my supporters for enabling my art. Paid or free, you can subscribe here to receive monthlyish updates on my creative work.

Tagged: field notes · illustration · photo · poem

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