Written by: Vicky
New photo poem today on the extreme sport of finding love in the city. Starting with a palate cleanser: an excerpt from Joy Harjo's "The Path to the Milky Way Leads Through Los Angeles": …
Hi friends, I'll always be a little too raw from my days in consumer marketing and throwing absolutely necessary superfluous glitter all over the photo studio during holiday gift guide season. All supporting a …
Hi, friends. Today we're talking Taylor Swift. I'm thrilllled to welcome Cincinnati-based strategy director and consultant Anna Wilhelm for a chat and chew on what Taylor does better than most consumer brands out there, …
Hi, friends. Today you're meeting friends, Eugene and Charis (!!), making their debut through the latest edition of friends who talk. Today's piece isn't short but I figure the interested ones will make their …
Let's start with marketing. It's the most visible medium for narrative strategy — that amorphous, curious, invisible energy that causes companies to rise and fall. Most marketing is bad. Or if not bad, mediocre …
Today's visual poem: another to file away into the loose canon formed by the strange medical condition that is ‘young, hot, and single in new york city,’ as put by an ex coworker. Symptoms: …
What do you do when you have people you love who live 3,000 miles away? You go see them. You receive their love and wonder at the grace to know it. You indulge in …
"An adventure time was, if you calmed yourself to its receipt." —Adam Haslett, Union Atlantic Hi, friends. The world and our hearts are still at war and it shows no signs of ceasing. Madness. …
Hi friends, Hello world. What words do we have left to greet the world? What is civic responsibility in the face of attack? What is collective organizing in the face of despair and disparity? …
Introducing friends who talk about…: an editorial series where I invite friends from all corners of the world to spontaneously muse on topics we have edgy thoughts on. (Like a culture podcast but the …
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